Submit Tip – 3 Suspects Call 911 if this is an emergency! Your Contact Information (This information is needed if you are desiring a reward.) Name (needed for reward) Email (needed for reward unless phone is provided) Phone (needed for reward unless email is provided) Suspect 1 Name (if known) Phone (if known) Location (if known) Description (if known) Alias, Gender, Race, Age, DOB, Weight, Height, Eye Color, Hair Color, Hair Length, Facial Hair, Scars, Marks, Tattoos, Clothing, Weapons, Animals, Gang Affiliation, Known Associates, Vehicle, Employer, etc. Suspect 2 Name (if known) Phone (if known) Location (if known) Description (if known) Alias, Gender, Race, Age, DOB, Weight, Height, Eye Color, Hair Color, Hair Length, Facial Hair, Scars, Marks, Tattoos, Clothing, Weapons, Animals, Gang Affiliation, Known Associates, Vehicle, Employer, etc. Suspect 3 Name (if known) Phone (if known) Location (if known) Description (if known) Alias, Gender, Race, Age, DOB, Weight, Height, Eye Color, Hair Color, Hair Length, Facial Hair, Scars, Marks, Tattoos, Clothing, Weapons, Animals, Gang Affiliation, Known Associates, Vehicle, Employer, etc. Crime Information Crime Type (required) ---ABDUCTIONABUSEAGGRAVATED ASSAULTALCOHOL OFFENSEARSONASSAULTATTEMPT ABDUCTIONBURGLARYCHILD ABUSECHILD PORNOGRAPHYCOUNTERFEITDRUGSFORGERYFRAUDFUGITIVEGRAFFITIHIT-RUN ACCIDENTHOMICIDEKIDNAPPINGPROPERTY DAMAGEROBBERY / THEFTSEX OFFENSE / SEXUAL ASSAULTTRAFFIC OFFENSEVANDALISMVEHICLE OFFENSEWANTED PERSONWARRANT - FELONYWARRANT - MISDEMEANORWEAPONS OFFENSEOTHER (include information in description) Crime Location (if known) Warrant Number (if known) Case Number (if known) Crime Description (required) Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How Do You Know Attachment (optional, Accepted file types: pdf, txt, jpg, png, gif. Less than 10MB) Terms and Conditions The information that you have entered will be sent to our law enforcement liaison. The liaison will forward the information on to the most applicable law enforcement agencies. If the information is found to be helpful in solving a crime, the agency will recommend whether or not the tip warrants a reward. This recommendation is returned to the liaison, who presents it to the Silent Witness Crimestoppers of Laramie County Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is an independent organization made up of Laramie County residents and is not controlled by any law enforcement agency. After the recommendation is presented to the Board, the Board will take a vote on whether or not to approve the reward. The Board meets once a month to review reward recommendations. If a reward has been approved, you will be contacted to pick up the reward. If you do not include contact information, we will be unable to contact you for the reward. I understand and accept the terms and conditions. September 13, 2015 admin